If it takes longer, Haube has ab the “Type 00” feeling on the first Blick of the designs of most electric cars. While the Farbwahl focuses on the classic color of the time, the man from the car industry is aware: Jaguar presents “Type 00” in a pink color that is blue. The architecture of the concept cars is based on the basis of the series model and the development of the ingenious design. Ebenfalls kan een man van de kommenden drei Jaguarwägen een ähnliche Reichweite erwarten: een Ladung reicht etwa 770 Kilometer.

The light shimmer of the scheinwerfer seduces the forceful model into a self-confident effect. Statt of the jumping Jaguars see the Haube a schnörkelloser Schriftzug. If an electric car provides an overview, that is no longer the case. Statistics are one of the front lines in the Karosserie. This Streifen, another element of the new brand identity, finds one of the bold panoramic glasses, as in Heck.

Heck of Jaguar Concept Cars

The back lighting is integrated into the Streifen des Hecks.


If you turn on the brass block while the Jaguar gel laser is in use. If you drink a room with a Vorschein-kommt, or see the mirror ersetzt, the Fahrer or the Fahrerin in the interior on a monitor, was such an abspielt.

Brass and Travertine work in the interior of Jaguar’s Concept Cars

Jaguar’s automotive and credit team was established under the leadership of Professor Gerry McGovern OBE, Chief Creative Officer of Jaguar Land Rover. In terms of processes, there is an internal design law, while the four teams geininander antrats – and “Type 00” is known. All Kollegen work as a leitmotiv for the new slogan of the Marke als Richtlinie: “Copy Nothing”.

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